is responsible for sending claims to the appropriate processing
companies/entities. ICHEIC does not evaluate such policies.
This task rests with the companies, which should be applying
ICHEIC valuation guidelines. ICHEIC is, however, committed
to ensuring that (1) claims that name a company are sent to
the named company and are reviewed there; (2) claims that
do not name a company are checked by those companies associated
with the Commission which did business in the country where
the claimant lived; and (3) all decisions on ICHEIC claims
are made in accordance with all ICHEIC guidelines.
has recently established a verification process by which offers
and denials sent by companies are checked by the ICHEIC Claims
Team against ICHEIC Valuation
Guidelines [15Kb] (or Annex
D [34Kb] of the German Foundation Agreement) to ensure
the accuracy of decisions/calculations. Should the ICHEIC
review raise a question related to that decision, ICHEIC will
follow-up with the company and will work with the company
to address the question while at the same time informing the
claimant or his/her representative.
For additional
information on ICHEIC's verification process, please reference
the ICHEIC verification process
explanation [9Kb].